THE GRAND PRIZE is a Guaranteed Group Reservation for the following Summer. The Grand Prize is drawn at a Fall Fundraiser from all the non-winning tickets of the summer (all fees apply, special early reservation deadline on all G'teed Weeks). Grand Prize Winners need not be present to win. FIRST PRIZES are drawn each week of the summer at the Friday Night Dance (all fees apply, special early reservation deadline on all G'teed Weeks). You need not be present to win the First Prize of the Guaranteed Week, all other prizes are awarded at the Friday night dance to ticket holders who are present. 2015 Raffle
Grand Prize Winner: Brandon Chaves 2014 Raffle
Grand Prize Winner: Sean McCarty 2013 Raffle
Grand Prize Winner: Kristy Topham 2012 Raffle
Grand Prize Winner: Katie Riggs 2011 Raffle
Grand Prize Winner: Jodi Ladetzky 2010 Raffle
Grand Prize Winner: Peter dePenaloza 2009 Raffle
Grand Prize Winners: Linda Colfax & Kristin Lamoreux 2008 Raffle
Grand Prize Winner: Jeff Southard 2007 Raffle
Grand Prize Winner: Sue Eckert 2006 Raffle
Grand Prize Winner: Karen Devaney |